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VSP 75th Anniversary Badge
VSP 1932-2007 Anniversary Badge
VSP 90th Anniversary Badge
VSP 90th Anniversary Badge
State Police Badges and Collectables

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PayPal is FREE of charge and offers 100% protection against unauthorized payments sent from your account.  You do not need a PayPal account to use your credit card for purcashes at our store.


If you don't already have a PayPal account, you will be led through the process of how to pay using a credit card without opening an account.


Do you wish we carried a certain product that we don't currently sell?

We are always on the lookout for new and unique products.

Although we specialize in creating unique and innovative insignia items, we are always interested in new ideas or how we can enhance customer experience and satisfaction. Our partners, companies in a variety of industries including toys, apparel, decals,  and insignia, etc., use their expertise in their industries to bring these ideas to you in the products we create.

Seal of Approval

We pledge to you that all of our products are of the absolute best quality and value available, and we offer our very own seal of approval.

Seal of Approval

We sell State Police police badges, challenge coins, lapel pins, decals, shirts and other custom made items. All of our products carry a Seal of Approval.

This website is not affiliated with the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Virginia State Police, Alumni or Association.